Monday, May 31, 2010

The Prototype...

So, a few months ago, I was out and about at this club that I hadn't been to in YEARS and wouldn't have been there that night if it wasn't my girl's birthday.  In retrospect it's absolutely amazing to me that I had gotten in the bed that night and got back up to go out.  I got there around 1ish.  I found my friends and chilled for a minute, but I knew the bar would be closing soon, so I asked if anyone else wanted drinks and went to get mine.  The first time I got a long island.  It was good, but it went fast.  I wanted a shot, so I went back to the bar for shots of my fave, Patron.  I get my shots and was waiting for my change when I heard, "One of those for me?"  In my typical Fabulous Ms. Cat fashion, I turned around and shot the woolly creature an evil stare, smiled and walked away.  After the shots were consumed, I returned to the bar for my last drink, another long island.  Now, the woolly creature has walked up to me, "I asked you if one of those shots were mine and you gave me an evil look.  What did I do to you?"  I simply replied, "Do you want a shot?"  I'm very big on getting to the point of a conversation, not really one for small talk.  He replies, "Nah, I'm good."  He takes a huge gulp from him water bottle, like it was the best water he ever drank in his life.  I don't know how the conversation started from there, I think he had sense enough to ask for my name.  Turned out the woolly lumberjack guy was from the A.  Wasn't expecting him to be a hometown hero, but that gave him bonus points.  We had a long conversation, about seemingly any and everything, which was really weird considering I was so completely out of my element.  I remember talking about needing to take a social media sabbatical, as (according to my logic) anyone who made any real money doesn't spend countless hours of time on Facebook or Twitter.  He replied "Most people wouldn't know a millionaire if they met one."  This was probably a seemingly harmless comment he threw out,  but it sent off bells in my head.  I'm thinking, "There's something to this dude, he isn't watered down or stupid like the typical dudes I'm used to meeting."  Apparently, our conversation didn't just seem long to me, eventually my friends came looking for me, like "Girl, we about to go!"  The party animal in me is like, I got dressed and only been out for an hour.  But I was dolo, so I said goodnight and opted to hit up an after hours spot with the woolly creature.  Obviously, I had had a few to drink, but I'm very sensitive to people's energy, and he didn't strike me as a threat.  I gave my girls the ok and hit up the after hours spot.  I HAD A FREAKING BALL!  I thought I was out with Jay-z for a minute.  lol  I'm still watching his every move, like trying to figure out what's up with this dude.  Some kind of way we parted paths without exchanging numbers.  Also, not like me, I'm so big on networking and he definitely had SOMETHING to offer or teach me, even if I couldn't put my finger on it at that particular moment.

The next morning, further proving my hypothesis that social media is the devil, I searched for him, by only his first name, because that's all I knew...Again, how the hell did that happen?  However, surprisingly he wasn't hard to find as we had mutual friends.  So, he was at the top of my search results.  I requested him as a friend and sent a friendly message, "Told you FB was the devil.  I'd like to see you again" and added my number at the end of the message.  He confirmed my friend request the next day, but message back, no call back, no text "hey, here's my number."  By this time of course, I've scoured his page trying to get some insight into his character, because there's some reason, this guy is so heavy on my spirit.  MONTHS go by, still nothing, and my friends are tired of hearing about this guy who no one probably believes exists (besides the people who met him the same night I did).  Randomly, all of a sudden, I see ridiculous amounts of friends being added to his account.  Now, I'm confused.  So, I go back to his page.  Apparently dude had been on tv.  I would never know, because I don't have cable, and barely know how to turn my tv on.  Now, I'm amused...WOW! lol  People are posting the most outrageous things to his page, and now all of sudden, my pride won't let me sweat him.  Even though I'm obviously sweating him, because MONTHS later, I'm still talking about this chance meeting with the woolly creature...except now, he was looking VERY WELL put together.  He cleans up very nicely.
All I could think about was that night we hung out and how incredibly intelligent and humble he was.  Dudes usually want to talk to me about their cars or who they know or how much they spent at the mall or how much they're gonna spend when they get it.  I'm usually extremely bored with dudes I meet in the club.  The conversations usually produce a blank stare (my reaction, when I'm not quite sure what the hell to say).  However, by him, I was very taken aback.  But also proud for some reason.  Like that's really dope, YOU GO BOY! I was secretly cheering him on, for what I don't really know, but I was loving his swagger.  I woke up one morning after yet another night of clubbing to a message from the woolly creature in my Facebook inbox : Sup, I need your number, I lost it.  I knew at this point  he had been SUPER-sweated and was shocked that he even remembered me to be honest.  We had a really light conversation, but I was glad to hear from him and even happier that he hadn't seemed to lose his sense of humility.  That made him incredibly sexy to me.  From time to time I see him doing a little something here and there.  It makes me smile.  He doesn't have to be THE ONE, but he's definitely THE PROTOTYPE.  XOXO, Woolly Creature...Smiles!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Vote for Tangie Larkin

Tangie is in a competition to get her own show on Oprah tv network.  Please support our own.  Click here to view her video.
Tangie's video

Friday, May 28, 2010

Love to be loved...

Despite what I may say out of my mouth, there's nothing I want more than to be LOVED.  I mean, there are so many things that I excel in or that I'm great at doing, none of them entail choosing mates that want to love ME.  I'm great at loving people.  I would assume I get it from my mother.  My mother loved everybody, whether they deserved it or not.  So, I guess I have some of that in me also.  Maybe it was watching soap operas as a child or reading those damn Disney fairy tales.

Like how come I haven't had my Pretty Woman moment, or fallen in love with my Prince Hakeem?   Why don't I wake up to a house full of flowers or surprise trips overseas?  I meet sooooooo many people and have spent  time with sooooo many people and IT, just never seems to happen.  Maybe it's me.  Maybe I expect a disaster and ruin all hopes.
I always envision my lover being my best friend.  I know that sounds absolutely absurd in the days of Let-me-get-you-before-you-get-me.  But I really want a Homieloverfriend.  Y'all know what I'm talking about!  lol... I go to great lengths to let people know how I feel about them.  But that's null and void when the feelings aren't reciprocated.  I don't know, but I hope it happens soon...Like Jay says "All I need is a partner to play cards with the cards up!"

Check Out


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Chivalry is definitely dead...or close to extinct...

So today, I ran out to the bank and on the way bank, probably just because my mind was in a fog, I ran over a tree branch/vine thingie...I didn't think anything of it, thinking it would probably work it's way out or break off...Until I heard this loud scraping.! I pull over, turn my hazard lights on and get out to look.  As I'm bending over to look, the FedEx man, pulls up behind me, stops beside my car at the stop sign and makes eye contact and zooms off.  Now, I don't know if I was supposed to wave him down or if I was just plain wrong in the first place for expecting some strange man to help me.  But this I do know.  If I'd had on a short dress he would've stopped and asked for my number, what's up with that?  So, I come in the house and tell my friend about it who'd been begging to come over all week.  His solution was for moi to climb under there and get it out.  I'm thinking, ALL WEEK you been trying to come over, but when I need you all of a sudden I should do it myself?  I called my angel, he should be here shortly to assist me.  Just made me wonder.  Is chivalry dead, or are women too independent? Or both?

Dear Mommie

Dear Mommie, 
Let me start by saying I love you more than anything on this earth. And I miss you. I haven't forgotten all the promises I've made to you over the years. We only made it to two lighthouses. I promised that we'd see them all. I haven't forgotten that I promised you a house on my estate. Smiles. I miss all the baby babys. I miss your smile. I miss singing "I've got sunshine on a cloudy day, BOMP BOMP BOMP BOMP" and "Father alone". I miss your sense of humor. I miss traveling with you. I miss eating at nice restaurants. I miss all of our inside jokes. I miss being able to talk to you about anything. I miss teaching you the latest dances. I miss running my latest boo by you. I miss you asking for quality time. I miss all of those union conventions. I miss some of those hideous clothes and hairstyles you put me in. I miss "cruising for a bruising." I miss you embarrassing me in public and yelling my name. I miss the Thurgood Marshall booster club. I miss the roaches. I miss the book club you subscribed me to. I miss Carmen San Diego. I miss that monochromatic Apple were on to something even back then. I miss how I could never lie to you, cause you could always read my body language. I miss Vera St, Anne E. West and The Ormewood Park festival. I miss you driving me to Hampton my freshman year. I miss you mailing me Frank's Red Hot when I was in college and complaining that the postage cost more than the hot sauce. I miss you telling me that you were disappointed, but you still loved me, even when I messed up. I miss you asking me and my siblings to love each other...We're working on it. I miss Lucille. I miss the Arts Exchange. I miss making Barbie clothes and baby quilts. I miss First Baptist on Gresham Rd across the street from the Kmart. I miss you telling me the angels were crying every time it rained. I miss you making me call my father on Father's Day. I miss you saying "You don't look like me, you look like that ole Wilbert Earl." I miss our contracts. I miss our trips to the theater, symphony and the ballet. I miss you grabbing your leg in fear when I was driving. I miss your hugs and your kisses. I think I really just miss you. 

Written September 21, 2009 4:33 am, before my mother even passed.  I think something in my spirit knew she was going to go soon.  But since my mother's passing, I have learned so much about life and so much about people.  I have learned a great deal about who's really for me and who really loves me.  People don't realize that their actions speak volumes above anything that they could speak from their mouths.  

Last night, or really early this morning, driving home from the Sex and the City 2 premiere, I began to reflect.  I am incredibly blessed.  Even on my bad days.  
I posted the following message and video to my Facebook page:

On the way home I was listening to this song thinking about what an awesome woman my mother was and all the opportunities she afforded to me, past, present and future. Some of you know, but many have no clue, that my mother created a beast...I am ever so grateful to her. Miss you much mommie...I still got you on your estate...XOXO

I know to some, I have yet to "Make it" but I know it's coming.  And she knew it was coming, which made it all possible in the first place.  I'm ever so grateful to my mother and miss her more and more each day.  But at least now I know she'll never miss a beat or have to hear about what I'm doing because she always has a front row seat!

6P's: A Lesson for Life

Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance...boy does it... 
Team project
In my master's degree program, I was assigned a team project to create a simple business plan.  My class is 10 weeks long.   In week 3, I proposed that my team begin working on the team project, no one budged.  On Sunday, of week 6, the first week allotted to our team project, a team member sent out an email saying that she wasn't trying to be pushy, but we should get in our team work plan, as required by our instructor.  She had drafted one and we elected her as team coordinator.  As this part of the assignment was due by midnight.  It was an awful struggle to get things done via cyberspace.  Some people didn't read or return emails, some were seemingly illiterate and some just didn't write well.  We turned our final assignment in at 10:15 on Sunday.  A little proud that we got it in before the deadline.  We received the grade of 89.  Most of my friends were congratulating me, but I had an attitude.  Yes, I need to learn how to work with groups, but this was my teacher's feedback:

Team 7,
Creative idea.  
I was expecting to see a detailed budget as well as your survey and raw data in an appendix.  I'm not clear how (of if) you used your survey to help shape your ideas about the project.
I'm not sure whether you took all costs into account.  Your programming costs are grossly under estimated.  I didn't see estimates for servers and other necessary hardware.  I also didn't see discussion of employees and salaries, benefits, payroll taxes, workers comp. etc.  It takes a lot more than a creative idea to run a profitable business.
Thanks for the honest reflections.  I didn't see a listing of who did what.
Take another look at APA format for your reference list.    

I got mad.  Because she was right.  If we had allotted ourselves enough time to complete the project, including time to account for people not responding, perhaps, we could have done a more thorough job.  We received an 89, however, my teacher starts with a basic 85 and adds or deducts points based on the quality of your assignment.  My team was due 4 points for an extra credit assignment.  Meaning our paper was just average.  UNACCEPTABLE...Grrrr! I don't make a habit of being average.  But I can't control other people, I can only control me.  But if I could've controlled them, I would've.  lol. However, now I know for next time, to follow my instincts.

Strategic Life Plan

Probably about two years ago at my church, my pastor did a sermon on something along the lines of "Dream, Plan and Execute."  He talked about how people always have these big dreams, and sometimes they are great ideas, but that it's very seldom that we plan or execute them.  At the end of the service, he provided a link to a document on our website.  The document was called "The Strategic Life Plan Template."  Inside this template, you are asked to start by listing the things that are most important to you in your life.  Next, you establish goals based on your priorities.  Lastly, you develop an action plan.  Concrete steps AND deadlines that will help you reach your goals.  Even with this great tool, I've found that at times I lack exactly what my pastor said, which is the discipline to plan and/or execute.
The Business Plan
I have several businesses that I want to pursue in the future.  As I approach my 30th birthday, these ideas and the ability to see them from conception to fruition is becoming increasingly important to me.  As evidenced through my participation in my class project.  There are so many things that are frequently omitted from business plans and cause small businesses to fail.  I am so grateful to have learned so much, but also understand the great task ahead in creating solid business plans that will allow me to run my businesses efficiently.
Financial Plan
I have been on unemployment since the end of September.  It has certainly been a struggle.  Especially with me being the type of female that likes to do what she wants to do when she wants to do it.  I am very social, I like to party and eat out.  I am finding that financial planning is even more important now to effectively utilize my resources.  I am trying to discipline myself now, so when I do become successful, I won't blow it all.  Just a thought.

Weird Dream

I just had the weirdest dream that I was napping and someone was knocking on my door.  I don't answer uninvited guests, so I didn't answer the door.  Apparently, I already had company, because I was showing them where a friend's daughter had come over and written on my wall in pencil and erased only part of it, and I was livid about it.  I doze off and wake up again to use the bathroom.  Then I wake up again and realize that I'm still in the bed really releasing.  So, I freak out and scramble to try to get to the bathroom.  And then I wake up dry, really having to use the bathroom.  Of course I had to know what this meant.  So this is what I found on
To dream that you are urinating, symbolizes a cleansing and release of negative or repressed emotions. Depending on your dream context, urination is symbolic of having or lacking basic control of your life.

Weird...Any other insight?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Closer-Goapele...My relaxation song...

Still I Rise by Maya Angelou

My mother was a HUGE Maya Angelou fan.  

Still I Rise
-Maya Angelou

You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.

Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin' in my own back yard.

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Where they do that at?

I was on Twitter a few days ago...Yes, Twitter...and I saw someone respond to the trending topic "#IfIwasurwoman". She said "#IfIwasurwoman my car would always be clean," or something to that effect. My mind started to wander again...I remember the days when men had some real pride about relationships and felt like they needed to be the provider and protector of their woman. That thought was followed by where they do that at?

Seriously? I have had boyfriends who kept my car clean, if I needed an oil change, I never knew, held doors, wanted to take you to a dinner and a movie, wanted to stay up all night on the phone, wanted to try to impress you, wanted to buy you nice things, maybe even pay a bill or two. But as of late, I met a lot of PEOPLE(men and women), who are after one of two things: Sex or money...if not both.

I was having this same conversation with a gentleman friend the other day, and he looked at me and said "Do people love anymore?...What happened to staying married for 50 years?" I'm almost for certain I replied "Where they do that at?" I would assume partly because I am so social and I am in the clubs more than the average person, that it really seems like people are trying to get you before you get them. Like they really go into every new friendship/relationship/acquaintance with a "What can I get out of this person?" mentality. It's like a viral plague taking over!

I am trying to figure out where are the guys that take the trash out? And change light bulbs? The ones that don't want you out by yourself after dark? The ones that want to show you they can cook and keep a house clean? Where they do that at? Do men even get their hands dirty anymore?

On the flipside, there are a lot of "Boss Chics" who pride themselves in "pimping niggas." Sigh...They are usually just as broke as the dudes they claim to be pimping. Don't own nothing, rent their apartment, leasing or borrowing a car in someone else's name. We put all of that into the universe and then say "Woe is me, why is it so hard to find a great mate?" Don't make that man take you out ALL the time...some days stay home and cook! Talk to each other! Don't ask for Louis bags, ask for stocks! Upgrade EACH OTHER!

Where they do that at?

I'll let you know when I find out...


Wow, it's been forever since my last blog. I won't promise to do better this time, I'll just do it. :)

I have so many opinions on so many things, because I'm always very reflective about life. But you know what they say about opinions...They're like a$$holes, everybody has one!

A few days ago, I logged onto my twitter account. I'm always intrigued by "twitpic" links, because I love pictures! And OMG...Those Tiny URLs are the love of my life!

I click on one, go to the page and then I just keep going and going! I was only supposed to check my replies on Twitter and keep it moving! Now a whole hour has passed and I've done nothing but read about Toya's new boo, how Chris Brown was ignored in some airport, The Real Housewives of Atlanta, Frankie and Neffe's glamour shots, La La's Bachelorette party...I could go on, but I'm sure you get the point. Now I'm mad at myself, because my to do list seems to grow exponentially by the second, and I have no time to be reading about other people's business!

About a week ago, I was out with my homegirl, and started the dumbest conversation: Have you seen a picture of Lauren London's baby?
Her: Yeah, I have, he's really cute.
Me: Oh really, because I googled for the pics and could never find one.
Her: Yeah, because he was at Reginae's birthday party.
Me: Oh, no, you mean the really light-skinned one with the curly hair?
Her: Yeah
Me: No, that's the other Sarah girl's baby...I follow her on twitter (at this point in my head I'm trying to figure out why) and she posted pics of him and her other baby on Twitter.
Her: Oh, well, I thought that was Lauren London's baby. *real definitively, shrugs and turns away from me*.

I almost felt like Ms. London herself had sent old girl pics to her personal e-mail and I was grossly misinformed. Like I was slipping on educating myself on the latest gossip mills. Next, ensued a conversation about Beyonce' MUST be pregnant, because she turned down a movie role, that was supposed to be so dope, and she was seen on Easter Sunday in some frumpy get up and flats! *GASP* "Cuz you know Bey always wears heels!" I scanned my memory files and saw the same gossip website pics and commentary in my head, before uttering...
"Ummmm hmmm, when we be clubbing Bey always comes out in heels, you know she don't play that!" *side eye*

So, I started to think, what is it about gossip that makes us want more and more? It's actually kind of sickening at times to me. Not saying at all that I don't indulge, but remember when the National Enquirer was looked down upon? Now, you not only get the report, but you get commentary, and you too, can be a part of the action by adding your own two cents. My goodness! I mean, we really actually care about what Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey wore to the grocery store? How does that enrich or improve our lives? You probably can't remember what YOU wore to the grocery store the last time you ventured out.

The conclusion I've come to, is that people need to get a life. No literally, myself included. If we have nothing better to talk about than what other people, THAT WE DON'T EVEN KNOW, are doing...we need to get a life. Seriously...Don't poke fun at their gym outfits when you've never been to one. Don't go ranking who wore the best outfit to the Oscars when you don't have any. We are capable of higher order thinking and we come up with things like "Beyonce was trying to look like Kelli's Alter-ego in her new video!"...Who cares? Do you think they do? They don't...I promise...Get a Life!

Main Entry: 1gos·sip
Pronunciation: \ˈgä-səp\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English gossib, from Old English godsibb, from god god + sibb kinsman, from sibb related — more at sib
Date: before 12th century
1 a dialect British : godparent b : companion, crony c : a person who habitually reveals personal or sensational facts about others
2 a : rumor or report of an intimate nature b : a chatty talk c : the subject matter of gossip
— gos·sip·ry \-sə-prē\ noun