Wow, it's been forever since my last blog. I won't promise to do better this time, I'll just do it. :)
I have so many opinions on so many things, because I'm always very reflective about life. But you know what they say about opinions...They're like a$$holes, everybody has one!
A few days ago, I logged onto my twitter account. I'm always intrigued by "twitpic" links, because I love pictures! And OMG...Those Tiny URLs are the love of my life!
I click on one, go to the page and then I just keep going and going! I was only supposed to check my replies on Twitter and keep it moving! Now a whole hour has passed and I've done nothing but read about Toya's new boo, how Chris Brown was ignored in some airport, The Real Housewives of Atlanta, Frankie and Neffe's glamour shots, La La's Bachelorette party...I could go on, but I'm sure you get the point. Now I'm mad at myself, because my to do list seems to grow exponentially by the second, and I have no time to be reading about other people's business!
About a week ago, I was out with my homegirl, and started the dumbest conversation: Have you seen a picture of Lauren London's baby?
Her: Yeah, I have, he's really cute.
Me: Oh really, because I googled for the pics and could never find one.
Her: Yeah, because he was at Reginae's birthday party.
Me: Oh, no, you mean the really light-skinned one with the curly hair?
Her: Yeah
Me: No, that's the other Sarah girl's baby...I follow her on twitter (at this point in my head I'm trying to figure out why) and she posted pics of him and her other baby on Twitter.
Her: Oh, well, I thought that was Lauren London's baby. *real definitively, shrugs and turns away from me*.
I almost felt like Ms. London herself had sent old girl pics to her personal e-mail and I was grossly misinformed. Like I was slipping on educating myself on the latest gossip mills. Next, ensued a conversation about Beyonce' MUST be pregnant, because she turned down a movie role, that was supposed to be so dope, and she was seen on Easter Sunday in some frumpy get up and flats! *GASP* "Cuz you know Bey always wears heels!" I scanned my memory files and saw the same gossip website pics and commentary in my head, before uttering...
"Ummmm hmmm, when we be clubbing Bey always comes out in heels, you know she don't play that!" *side eye*
So, I started to think, what is it about gossip that makes us want more and more? It's actually kind of sickening at times to me. Not saying at all that I don't indulge, but remember when the National Enquirer was looked down upon? Now, you not only get the report, but you get commentary, and you too, can be a part of the action by adding your own two cents. My goodness! I mean, we really actually care about what Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey wore to the grocery store? How does that enrich or improve our lives? You probably can't remember what YOU wore to the grocery store the last time you ventured out.
The conclusion I've come to, is that people need to get a life. No literally, myself included. If we have nothing better to talk about than what other people, THAT WE DON'T EVEN KNOW, are doing...we need to get a life. Seriously...Don't poke fun at their gym outfits when you've never been to one. Don't go ranking who wore the best outfit to the Oscars when you don't have any. We are capable of higher order thinking and we come up with things like "Beyonce was trying to look like Kelli's Alter-ego in her new video!"...Who cares? Do you think they do? They don't...I promise...Get a Life!
Main Entry: 1gos·sip
Pronunciation: \ˈgä-səp\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English gossib, from Old English godsibb, from god god + sibb kinsman, from sibb related — more at sib
Date: before 12th century
1 a dialect British : godparent b : companion, crony c : a person who habitually reveals personal or sensational facts about others
2 a : rumor or report of an intimate nature b : a chatty talk c : the subject matter of gossip
— gos·sip·ry \-sə-prē\ noun
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