Thursday, May 27, 2010

6P's: A Lesson for Life

Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance...boy does it... 
Team project
In my master's degree program, I was assigned a team project to create a simple business plan.  My class is 10 weeks long.   In week 3, I proposed that my team begin working on the team project, no one budged.  On Sunday, of week 6, the first week allotted to our team project, a team member sent out an email saying that she wasn't trying to be pushy, but we should get in our team work plan, as required by our instructor.  She had drafted one and we elected her as team coordinator.  As this part of the assignment was due by midnight.  It was an awful struggle to get things done via cyberspace.  Some people didn't read or return emails, some were seemingly illiterate and some just didn't write well.  We turned our final assignment in at 10:15 on Sunday.  A little proud that we got it in before the deadline.  We received the grade of 89.  Most of my friends were congratulating me, but I had an attitude.  Yes, I need to learn how to work with groups, but this was my teacher's feedback:

Team 7,
Creative idea.  
I was expecting to see a detailed budget as well as your survey and raw data in an appendix.  I'm not clear how (of if) you used your survey to help shape your ideas about the project.
I'm not sure whether you took all costs into account.  Your programming costs are grossly under estimated.  I didn't see estimates for servers and other necessary hardware.  I also didn't see discussion of employees and salaries, benefits, payroll taxes, workers comp. etc.  It takes a lot more than a creative idea to run a profitable business.
Thanks for the honest reflections.  I didn't see a listing of who did what.
Take another look at APA format for your reference list.    

I got mad.  Because she was right.  If we had allotted ourselves enough time to complete the project, including time to account for people not responding, perhaps, we could have done a more thorough job.  We received an 89, however, my teacher starts with a basic 85 and adds or deducts points based on the quality of your assignment.  My team was due 4 points for an extra credit assignment.  Meaning our paper was just average.  UNACCEPTABLE...Grrrr! I don't make a habit of being average.  But I can't control other people, I can only control me.  But if I could've controlled them, I would've.  lol. However, now I know for next time, to follow my instincts.

Strategic Life Plan

Probably about two years ago at my church, my pastor did a sermon on something along the lines of "Dream, Plan and Execute."  He talked about how people always have these big dreams, and sometimes they are great ideas, but that it's very seldom that we plan or execute them.  At the end of the service, he provided a link to a document on our website.  The document was called "The Strategic Life Plan Template."  Inside this template, you are asked to start by listing the things that are most important to you in your life.  Next, you establish goals based on your priorities.  Lastly, you develop an action plan.  Concrete steps AND deadlines that will help you reach your goals.  Even with this great tool, I've found that at times I lack exactly what my pastor said, which is the discipline to plan and/or execute.
The Business Plan
I have several businesses that I want to pursue in the future.  As I approach my 30th birthday, these ideas and the ability to see them from conception to fruition is becoming increasingly important to me.  As evidenced through my participation in my class project.  There are so many things that are frequently omitted from business plans and cause small businesses to fail.  I am so grateful to have learned so much, but also understand the great task ahead in creating solid business plans that will allow me to run my businesses efficiently.
Financial Plan
I have been on unemployment since the end of September.  It has certainly been a struggle.  Especially with me being the type of female that likes to do what she wants to do when she wants to do it.  I am very social, I like to party and eat out.  I am finding that financial planning is even more important now to effectively utilize my resources.  I am trying to discipline myself now, so when I do become successful, I won't blow it all.  Just a thought.

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