I so missed my blog, but I wanted to wait until I had something worthwhile to share before I started a long dissertation about something that no one would care to read. The other day in the midst of my own introspection, I decided to pose a questions to my facebook fam. I asked "What would make you happy in life?" I have not a clue the answer to this question and felt like having a dialogue with other people may shed some light on my own plight.
M-W.com gives the following definition:
Main Entry: hap-py
Pronunciation: \ˈha-pē\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): hap·pi·er; hap·pi·est
Etymology: Middle English, from hap
Date: 14th century
1 : favored by luck or fortune : fortunate (a happy coincidence)
2 : notably fitting, effective, or well adapted : felicitous (a happy choice)
3 a : enjoying or characterized by well-being and contentment (is the happiest person I know) (a happy childhood) b : expressing, reflecting, or suggestive of happiness (a happy ending) c : glad, pleased (I'm happy to meet you) d : having or marked by an atmosphere of good fellowship : friendly (a happy office)
4 a : characterized by a dazed irresponsible state (a punch-happy boxer) b : impulsively or obsessively quick to use or do something (trigger-happy) c : enthusiastic about something to the point of obsession : obsessed (education-conscious and statistic-happy — Helen Rowen)
synonyms see lucky, fit
First and foremost, I don't believe in luck. I believe that everything is part of a divine plan by God. I am a big fan of The Secret. The Secret simply states that anything that makes you feel positive feelings (joy, happiness, peace) means that you are in alignment with your universe and anything contrary to that is well, contrary to that. So, I try to go with things that make me feel good, hoping that it will create a habit of happy feelings. However, lately, I've been on a roller coaster ride varying from one extreme to the other. Which is sooooo not me. I'm usually a very happy and bubbly person.
So, one day, my bff and I sat down and made lists of what would truly make us happy. This is what I had on my list:
-Knowing that my mother is safe
-Release of responsibility
-Not worrying about money
-LOVE and sincere attention, not just sex
-Feeling like I have time to nurture my creative side
-Free time
When I posed the question to Facebook, most of what I got back involved having more money or having more love, which I also included on my list. I guess knowing is half the battle, but then what do you do to get from NOW to your Happy Place?
I've made dream boards...I have tons of them in my house. I try positive visualization. I try speaking things as though they have already happened. I think part of the battle with finding what makes you happy is that oftentimes we want an instant fix. How can it just be over with today? I don't want to suffer anymore. Sometimes we don't learn to love and to live in the victories that we already have. My pastor once said in a sermon "God has given you everything you need to be successful. If we were faithful to the things that God has ALREADY given us, we'd be surprised at what we could do." So Where is the disconnect? Have our visions become so microwaved that we think we don't have to work for anything? Have we gotten away from what is truly important in life?
A lot of times we focus on what's wrong in our lives, our bills we have to pay and the money we have to earn to pay them. But living to work to pay bills, is that happiness? So let's say you win the lottery? What did Puff & dem say? Mo money mo problems. More money would probably lead to more bills and so on. So I challenge you to figure out, what would TRULY make you happy? And furthermore challenge you to go after it. Smooches!